
  1. Chipface12

    My Subscriber Count is Frozen?!

    Hey YTTalkers... or the appropriate name given to people who are on this website! Before we get into this, yes this is a channel review, it'll just seem like I'm going off topic. Anyway, let's get into it. I am in a bit of a predicament... My channel is currently sitting on 110 subscribers and...
  2. Joshmaciasfitness

    Fitness vlog channel review

    hi all I would like any critique or review you have for my channel ! I'm looking for anything that may help me get my channel some more love ! Review on content, cover pic, intro & outro would be greatly appreciated
  3. HonourRome

    Channel advice please

    at the moment I currently have a video, banner and channel icon. And I need feedback both positive and negative so I can help to improve my channel. Below is a link to my channel: