body actors

  1. DoctorBlue99

    Gaming GTA5 Body Actors Needed

    Hi there, I'm making a show of sorts on GTA5 and I need body actors to help bring the dream to life. I need as many people as I can get, it's a good oppurtunity for some exposure if you need it cause you'll be featured in the credits and in the description. You won't be voice acting or...
  2. PrimeSyndicate

    Voice Acting Voice Actors Needed for Machinima!

    I am going to make this thread very short and quick. Basically, I am in search for both voice and body actors for a machinima series on Minecraft. It is a short parody of the Adult Swim show "Robot Chicken". If interested, please contact me via Skype at: ikryptic_hd...
  3. Musi Gamer

    Gaming Need Minecraft (for Xbox One) Machinima Body Actors

    Me and a companion of mine are in the process of writing out the best dang machinima ever machinimade! I don't think we really need voice actors as of yet, but we do need some body actors to act out the scenes in game while we record it and make loveliness happen. So if you think you got what it...