
  1. SeanFace101

    Ramshorn Snails Eating Bloodworms

    My Ramshorn Snails Having Lunch.. Check out my Ramshorn Snails eating away at their Bloodworm lunch! I'v had these snails for a good while. I started with 3 of the bigger ones then after their breeding I ended up with many more. In this video you will get a little quick look at my Red...
  2. SeanFace101

    I Added A Bit Too Much Frozen Bloodworms

    A video of when I was feeding my tropical fish community tanks and added to much frozen food... You can see Gold Angelfish, Koi Angelfish, White Balloon Molly, Dalmatian Balloon Molly, Black Sailfin Balloon Mollies, Orange Sailfin Balloon Molly, Sailfin Balloon Molly, Silvertip Tetra and a...