battlefield 1 support class

  1. MajesticBox

    Battlefield 1 Gameplay - Michael Bay's Tanks, Support Class, Epic Fails

    Battlefield 1 Gameplay - Michael Bay's Tanks, Support Class, Epic Fails Today in battlefield 1 gameplay this match reminds me of Michael Bay's movie Pearl Harbor do to the tanks killing us with explosions. I play as the support class and while playing as that my friends and I stumble in to a lot...
  2. MajesticBox

    Battlefield 1 Gameplay - Support Class, Houses For Sale, Funny Moments

    Battlefield 1 Gameplay - Support Class, Houses For Sale, Funny Moments In Battlefield 1 Gameplay I play as the support class one of my favorite classes. My friend and I buy houses in battlefield 1 and there are many funny moments regarding that. Hope you enjoy the video