80 subscribers

  1. Humor Hub

    80 Subscribers and 1000+ views!

    Hello everyone, I hope you guys and gals are having a fantastic day. Anyways, we've just hit the 80 Subscribers milestone with 1000+ views! We'd like to thank everyone who supported us and gave us feedback within the yttalk community. It really helped us get to where we are and we appreciate the...
  2. Onister Gaming

    80 Sub Minitage

    Thank you guys so much!!!
  3. Rehannah

    I have a small channel but who cares!

    I recently got 80+ subscribers and I have 3,133 total views This is really exciting because I have been stuck on 75 for a while. :woohoo!: :bounce: :biggrin: :singing2: :happy2: :wavespin: :) :smileyphones: :x3blush: :coolshades: :smilingcute: :winky: :happy4: :smile22: :hehe...