50 subscriber milestone

  1. Chicken Tendies

    Milestone Video

    A few days ago we hit 50 subs and I am really happy about that but should I make a milestone video? What do you people think?
  2. Chicken Tendies

    Reached 50 subs! Yay!

    Jeez that took a long time. It took us over a year and a bit but we finally did it. Next 100, hopefully doesn't take another year.
  3. Migueloooche

    Just hit 50 Subs! :D

    Wow this feels awesome, I can't wait to grow my fanbase to 100 (: I do countdowns, fact videos, and reaction videos :D
  4. Star Wars Geek

    Hello 50 Subscribers! Next Stop 100

    Sweet, I went to bed with 48 subscribers and woke up to 52! It's been a great month as far as views go for me. I went from averaging 30-50 a day to 130-160 a day after having a video spike nicely. That has certainly translated to some subscribers.