1. CookieCutter

    4000 subscribers

    i got 4k subs and there is a special video on my channel to celebrate
  2. Nanonium


    After a short week or so, going from 3k to 4k views, growth is occurring, so excited!
  3. Jonatan Moser

    300 subs and awesome stuff within reach!

    Hey everyone! I just wanted to share with you my newest milestone - 300 subs! :-) I've been taking YouTube more seriously lately, and this is my third month of relatively regular uploads... And my sub count has grown from 100 to 300 since I started this (for me) new form of dedication! I am...
  4. LikableMike

    4,000 VIEWS!!??!! WOOOOOOOO!!!

    Yesterday I hit 4000 views without even realizing cause the views counter doesn't work on youtube. I can't Believe that many people have watched my videos. I Really cant comprehend it. I was ecstatic when thirty people watched me let alone 4000. Also Im at 31 subscribers which is amazing but i...
  5. darkstarmedia


    Less than a month after hitting over 3,000 views, I've hit 4,000! That's pretty freakin' badass. Thanks a lot to everyone who's tuned in to watch my videos - whether you watched them once or binge-watched my collection of sarcasm and strange mouth movements - it's thanks to you that I got here...