10 subs

  1. Kevin hummel

    10 subs, over 100 views. Off to a great start!

    I started my World of Warcraft let's play with very little experience, yet in just a few weeks I've received great feedback and have already vastly improved the videos. I appreciate those who stepped up and told me, respectively, what could be improved! I hope to continue this path and reach 100...
  2. Keg Man

    20 subs.

    Well 21 at any rate, Have been creating for about 5 weeks now. I'm not sure if its a good rate of growth but if 21 people are happy to hear me drone on then i'm happy!
  3. Lazy Nik

    Hit 10 subs :D

    So yeah. As it says in the title, I just got my first 10 subs. It's so weird but pleasuring that 10 people found my stuff and said "hey, this guy is ok. I'll stay and see what else can he do". So thank you so much (I know some people might come from here), and for the 100 subs we go, folks...
  4. Boseen

    10 subscribers :3

    So it's a small milestone, but I'm so excited that I have a 2 digit subscribers count right now. as of right now, primary a few friends have subscribed, but now someone I do not know subscribed to my channel, which is very exciting. Anyway this got me really hyped to get into it again :D
  5. Lekjih

    I am maybe over happy for this - 10 subs~!

    So I uploaded my first facecam vid, and it's been the best performing vid I have and now I'm at 10 subs, up from seven 2 days ago. I'm so happy because I honestly thought I was going to have to really fight for every sub then three came at once :'D I know it's not a big one, but it's important~
  6. tlegacytv

    10 subscribers! #thecomeup

    I shouldn't be as excited because I know it's not a lot but something about knowing people look forward to my next video that makes me extremely happy! I started my animation channel over a month ago because animation is something that I have always wanted to do. Thank you guys so much for...
  7. Bridgette Heidi

    My First Milestone! 10 SUBS!

    Hi guys, I just got my first 10 subscribers and 200 views, it took a little while but I'm so happy! Thank you to everyone who watched my videos and subscribed :)
  8. ColorCommentary

    We just hit 10 subscribers!

    Even though ten subscribers may not seem like much, I am very happy to have hit the double digits. It is also an incentive to keep going and add more content. Mainly, I want to use this to thank everyone on here for their great support, advice and just for being you. It is a blast to come here...
  9. GlobalFGT

    OHMAGOD 10 sub's, I'm so OP

    hahahahah, nice I finally got past 10 sub's XD, if any of you are reading this thread please do check out my channel, I want more of that feeling when you get 1 subscriber.
  10. K

    Every subscriber counts, right? 10 subscribers the dream!

    With 40 videos to my belt and counting, 455 views on them already, and a slowly-but-surely growing subscriber count currently sitting at 10 subs, I'm pretty much impressed with myself The fact that I'm actually getting some followers of the work I put into my hobby, out of all the time that I...
  11. MixByte

    My first 10 Subs

    I login to my Youtube channel, to upload a video then I went to my dashboard. It said 10 subscribers, I literally jump out of my bed, and scream. Man, I'm so glad right now! :D
  12. lark29

    Just hit 10 subs!!!!

    I have a small gaming channel with only 3 videos. Using free recordings devices as of now and just made intro today. in 3 videos I have over 150 views in under a week, not a bad start. I'm loving youtube but I struggle trying to think of videos thatll be good and aren't already made.
  13. AuthorFilms Studios

    10 Subscribers in 3 weeks!!

    I just hit 10 subscribers on my new YouTube channel! Its not alot, but im pleased at the positive feedback ive got from it! I started uploading less than 3 weeks ago and never thought I'd even get one view in that time! :bounce:
  14. kojohnsn


    I FINALLY REACHED 10 SUBSCRIBERS TODAY :biggrin: I uploaded my first youtube video 6 days ago and that video is very close to reaching 100 views too :biggrin::biggrin: What a great thing to wake up to. Im going to have a constant smile on my face all day now. Can you believe it? 10 people that...
  15. TechSquizz

    3 weeks in we just hit 10 Subs!!!

    We are so excited to announce we hit 10 Subscribers. It might not mean much to people that have 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1,000,000+ etc but it brought a tear to our eyes!!! We have invested a lot of time and money and over come some health issues to get here and to see this is amazing for us...