YouTube SEO on Reddit /letsplay/

Philip Zeplin

Loving YTtalk
I decided to offer up a bit of a Q/A on Reddit regarding YouTube SEO, and it's turned into quite a massive thread (with over a 100 comments at this point). People seem to have gotten a lot out of it already, so I thought I would share it!
You could start an AMA about YouTube SEO on here, that would really help people out who are here :)

You could start an AMA about YouTube SEO on here, that would really help people out who are here :)
I'll keep that in mind! For now, people will have to live with the threads I've already made here :) I just thought it would be nice to share, since the reddit post turned out way bigger, way faster, than I thought it would (massive slack at work today, to keep up with it! I feel bad :( ... and slightly stressed about the work that I need to catch up on now...)