YouTube Next Vlogger Winners

3sixty5days is kinda a surprise. Guess you don't need to be that active for these competitions. 2 videos a month ago and nothing else in a year. Subbed to him, though I don't remember when or why. I am also subbed to appchat, emilieofnewgloom and thatzak.

Emily's videos are just... just... I don't even have words. Beautiful and moving and so much more... Pretty much the best looking vlogs you'll see on YouTube and one of the very few people who can pull of having music in their vlogs. Something that I HATE, cause everyone is doing it wrong. (Used my favorite Snow Mantled Love song, too... /watch?v=z75hKQbD99Y ) VERY happy to see her on that list and everyone should check her out!!

Okay, kinda hard to follow that up and recommend thatzak now, but he's really funny and smart and crazy. Two very different recommendations though...[DOUBLEPOST=1369185503,1369184606][/DOUBLEPOST]
I love Csandreas! He's a really cool guy, with a great channel :) I wish him the best of luck!

He's doing a live show at 9 pm central.