YouTube monetization problems, I am tired! >:(

Kitsune Shan

New Member
So I have been getting problems lately with YouTube monetization program. I have a lot of games videos, but most of them I do not monetize since I do not own its rights at all. But there are few ones where I show tutorials about 3D Max and Second Life game and how you can build 3D models in 3D Max to later move into Second Life world. Why YouTube rejected my video after I sent them proof and license links that I can monetize them? Obviously, 3D Max is a software to make models and renders and sell them, so allows you to earn money. And Second Life is Open Source and YouTube still says that my video is not advertiser-friendly :confused:. I really have no idea what they meant with that since I should be able to monetize them.

Also, I was reading throught the forum and I saw that you guys recommend to stop addsense in case of parnership. My question is if a channel dedicated to tutorials about 3D for Second Life could be elegible for monetization at all. Is not my main channel, is this one:

KitsuneShanVideos (this is the YouTube username, since I cant post links yet :p)

Isnt like I want to be rich, but if I can get some money making tutorials, that would be great. As you may see, there are really only 3 videos, but for just 3 videos, you can see how many views and subscribers I got. If I really start making better tutorials I think I could get really a way a lot of views. So, should I turn off addsense in that channel? I dont care too much about my main channel one since I use mostly for games and random stuff, but I do care for this one since I want to make it clean, with quality and of course, to be there as much time as possible and not to get videos rejected for no reasson (like happen in some tutorials in my main channel).

And one more thing. If I want to disable addsense in that channel, how should I proced? Should I just turn off monetization in the preferences? thats all?

Regards, and thanks for reading my boring story :p
just don't monetize the video's and start sending applications out to creator x and other partners its easier to monetize and gives you more features they take a small cut of the earning and its the best way of doing it in my opinion your working with game related content
Yeah I am not monetizing any videos on that second channel at all. I just had it enabled for that thumbnails stuff, but none of the videos there are monetizing yet since the 3 ones that are there contains music that I do not own. I will delete those videos soon and reupload without sound probably or just make new better ones.

But I dont know how to remove addsense on that channel. I dont know what I need to do really for that or if is just ok if I dont monetize any of the video.

BTW, thanks for the fast reply :eek:
This is just my opinion, so take it at that...

If you're uploading original content and monetizing it I don't see where any issue will arise w/ YT. However, when you upload content you do not have licensing for or express consent to use, then you create a grey area situation (again, in my mind):

As YT, where do I draw the line on your views and channel material vs. views you may have generated by using copyrighted material to bolster your channel and views?

Hobbyist (non-commercial users) as far as I can tell, can just about upload anything... Look at: Viacom International Inc. v. YouTube, Inc. here's two giant corporations battling at copyright infringement issues and they probably will be for the next 20 years or so...

Essentially, and again in my humble opinion, when it comes time for YT to cut a check to a partnered account, they are going to look first at whether or not you've uploaded content you weren't supposed to and look for ANY justification as to not pay you. It's not cruel, it's smart business.

If you're looking to make money, then you must adhere to the contractual obligations set forth in your user license agreement you expressly agreed to in creating an account on YT, let alone when you monetize content on said account.

In short, if you want to make money, (even a paltry sum) then do not upload any material you are not legally entitled to do so... Even if you don't monetize it.

I'll beat this dead horse with one last analogy:

Suppose I am "Hot Band X" and I create/distribute/promote my own music. I think hey awesome, I'll start a YouTube channel! So I upload 6 of my tracks....

Things are awesome, good responses, plenty of views, things are rolling right along. One day I am like man, I LOVE BOB DYLAN! I'll upload his videos on to my channel, not monetize them, just have them there...

Suddenly my views spike! WOW COOL! Months go by and I am on cloud 9...

Some crafty legal mind comes along and says before those uploads my channel/content had x amount of views, once I "red carpeted" my channel w/ content that is legally protected, my views went up... Coincidence?

No, essentially I used Bob Dylan's material on my channel and people came to see his videos and maybe stayed to watch a track or two of mine... I imagine Bob Dylan's legal team is better than "Hot Band X's" so they can make a claim that my monetizable views rightfully belong to them...

Bummer months of hard work and promotion *SHOT*, there goes my channel too, and Bob's laughing all the way to the bank.

Again, put simply. Don't mix business with pleasure. If you don't have the Right to Copy something... Don't.
If you have express written permission to use the footage you're okay. It may be your creation but the games and software are not, and require permission from the developers if you are to monetize outside of a network.
If you have express written permission to use the footage you're okay. It may be your creation but the games and software are not, and require permission from the developers if you are to monetize outside of a network.
As I said before, I do have permissions for that. 3D Max is a software made mainly to earn money and Second Life is open source and include a license to make money from it (you can even sell stuff inside).
So I really don't see any real reason for being rejected.

Dylanmaninfanatic, good point of view, I'll take in account, thanks.
So I guess I just have to continue my other channel in the same way without monetizing and wait a bit till I can apply for partnership.
Thanks everyone for your suggestions ;)