Youtube Isn't Suggesting My Video?


New Member
Hi All! I posted a video roughly about 3.5 days ago and I haven't seen an increase in "Suggested Video" traffic at all. I'm a pretty small YouTuber (deleted old content off my channel and rebranded it).

This is what my traffic looks like at the moment:

And this is what it looks like under the "Real Time" monitor

Wondering if anyone has insight as to what is happening :)

Thank you!
The YouTube algorithm is, for the most part, a mystery. But there are a few things we do know:

Prior engagement to your video greatly promotes it being suggested.

I know it seems a little counter-intuitive, but there are a few ways you can accomplish a "kick-start" to your video.

Besides sharing your videos with friends and family, if you feel comfortable do so, you can share them on other sites.

One great site to grow interest in your channel and gain engagement in your videos is Reddit. I'd highly recommend you create an account and start using it as a normal user, get a feel for the site as a whole and what the general populace likes and dislikes. From there you'll be able to a find a subreddit that your content fits on (rules allowing).