Youtube Exposure


New Member
Hi Everyone,

I Have started a new channel on YouTube, and have VIDIQ and tube buddy, and I have gone through most of the optimization that most people do on their videos like tag research, titles, thumbnail, end cards, etc
But I seem to only get 3-4 views per day when other videos in my niche producing the same kind of material are getting between 50-100 views daily, I usually share the videos on facebook, twitter and instagram, I have recently being trying to get my head around the reddit and a few forums which I hadn't done before to promote awareness of these videos. Would anyone be able to help me find out how to get more exposure on these videos.
Hi, congrats on 1st post, good place here for YouTubers
promoting on other platforms is a good idea, there is a catch though as it can attract viewers who may take a look but not watch the whole video
YouTubing is very complicated but you know some important things already, whats the topic of videos?
Hi Everyone,

I Have started a new channel on YouTube, and have VIDIQ and tube buddy, and I have gone through most of the optimization that most people do on their videos like tag research, titles, thumbnail, end cards, etc
But I seem to only get 3-4 views per day when other videos in my niche producing the same kind of material are getting between 50-100 views daily, I usually share the videos on facebook, twitter and instagram, I have recently being trying to get my head around the reddit and a few forums which I hadn't done before to promote awareness of these videos. Would anyone be able to help me find out how to get more exposure on these videos.

Hi and welcome to YTtalk.

I've moved your thread to the strategy / technique forum. :)

You've had some great replies so far.

This question gets asked (and answered) a lot so I would also suggest you also browse the other threads in this section.

Here are some sections to check out:

Also, please use the forum search:

Good luck :)