Youtube "black" list ???

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So this is quite interesting, I have my channel for more than one year and after I reached 30M total views Youtube decided to do "Not suitable for most advertisers" to all of my videos, of course it took time to manualy request for a review and surprisingly majority of the videos got monetized again (it was quite a surprise because my content is really really rough) after this I was quite surprised that my revenue jumped and I got more monetizable views, like this stuff really hit me lol so whats the actual purpose of having a green icon if it doesn't play all the ads? What's the point of not checking the channels before some reach point of totals views (idk really is it 30m total views for me it was 30) all this time I was thinking that my income sucks just because I have rough content ( a lot of rough language, racist slurs, sexual content ) and I was just thinking that I'm lucky just because Youtube doesn't see me lol I was wrong all the time, so the moral of this story, if you wan't to get income you videos need to be reviewed manualy lol
YouTube started hitting videos months ago but it wasn't until September that we really started getting hit by it. Of course nearly all of the videos were approved after manual review aside from a few with childish toilet humor. I don't think the subsequent rise in your ad revenue had anything to do with the manual review, I'm guessing revenue would have gone up anyway.
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