Youtube asking for proof of right to use content commercially

So I got this email which I'm sure has been sent out to many of you:

We haven't been able to confirm that you have the necessary rights to commercially use all the music from the information you've given us, so we ask that you provide written documentation substantiating your claim.

YouTube is not in a position to offer legal advice or to counsel you in any way. However, we have listed some elements below which we have seen in contracts to give you a sense of the types of documents we receive.

-explicit permission to use the rights holder’s content commercially (example: “I, rights holder’s name, give your name or channel’s name, the right to use my original content commercially.”)
-electronic signature with date (this can be as simple as the rights holder writing out full name at the bottom of the document)

Please be sure to pay attention to any limitations and/or conditions specified by the rights holder concerning your use of the content.

Once you have the appropriate contract, you can email it to us as an attachment. Please make sure to provide documentation in an acceptable format such as a pdf or image file.

If you would like to monetize videos that contain third-party content that you have permission to use commercially, please refer to our Monetization FAQs at URL

So, will it fit the bill if I get the content creator to digitally sign a .pdf with the following in it:

April 27th, 2013

I, Callan Furlong, give Harmony Junction (URL), the right to use my original content commercially in the video "Callan Furlong - A Rose Or An Olive Branch" located at (URL).

Callan Furlong's electronic signature with date

Btw how do I create a "digital signature"?
