Okay I'll do it. =P
First thing, your background doesn't have the problem that a lot of other channels have! Your username shows up perfectly on my screen and should for screens that are a little smaller than mine! (1280*800) Good job on that!
Your latest video looks more impressive than your earlier ones. The visualiser and the sun/lens flare thing both look really cool. It would be better if your visualiser wasn't just a red line though. But the animation makes the video much better visually, providing more incentive to watch (even though music is your main focus, which you haven't taken away from).
I remember telling you or someone else that the description should have more, uh, descriptive words about the video
You should write a little tweet-like message that highlights why the track is good, and then post the creator's details below. Because if I just look at the descriptions, I have no idea why I should watch your video. Like your newest video could have a description talking about how it's a rap song with a simple catchy tune or whatever.
You may wanna consider using social media? Right now I don't see anything linked to your youtube channel.
That's about it for now. =P