Im looking for people that want to make something of them self's on youtu be. people that r dedicated to making videos when ever the opportunity comes up. the style of content that i post on my channel is funny moments. im looking for funny people that have a sense of humor and r willing to just have loads of fun with me and others.if u have what it takes leave ur gamer tag below and i will message u on xbox.

It would be best if we go threw some more requirements that r needed. they r listed as the following
*games like (The games don't really matter i just like playing these i can get other games to play)
: GTA5
: Call of duty
*frequently on preferably at night eastern USA time
*have at least 10 subs + a good active viewing
*able to provide video ideas when they have one
I know these r very strict requirements but i just have to be thorough with this i want dedicated people not people that just want to use people for subs and views then ditch them. so if u do match up with all these and r really deticated to make funny videos then comment ur gamer tag if not don't waist my time. hope to see u all soon :)
I'm interested
Gamer tag:AWESOMEANDY50000[DOUBLEPOST=1483421137,1483416720][/DOUBLEPOST]I meant AWESOMEGUY50000
Hey man I am interested. I have games such as call of Duty WAW, IW, MWR. R6 Siege, Titanfall 2, Gears of War 4 and a good amount of others. I am an 18 year old primarily call of Duty YouTuber with currently 94 subs just short of 100[DOUBLEPOST=1483507635,1483507468][/DOUBLEPOST]
Hey man I am interested. I have games such as call of Duty WAW, IW, MWR. R6 Siege, Titanfall 2, Gears of War 4 and a good amount of others. I am an 18 year old primarily call of Duty YouTuber with currently 94 subs just short of 100
My gamertag is BlazingxEagle98