Gaming Xbox Collab


looking for a couple people to hang out with, make a couple videos and have a good time doing so.

Preferably 13+ (I'm pretty chill with requirements)
Doesn't matter on sub count

Black Ops 3
And more!

Gamertag: BluWolfHD
hey man i am looking for the same thing on gta and also bo3 along with some other games my gamertag is stormchaser4653 and it is the same for my channel if you would like to see what we do
Yo bro i want to collab with you on xbox one,games gta,bo3,minecraft if you want to collab Skype me My name is Deshade Hd and add me on xbox one as well Gamertag:xLocketx41
BluWolf, if your still looking for people to do some collabs with please message me because I'm starting my channel soon and I need to get people to make some good content with.
GT: Tanner Zzz
I'll check back here if you don't want to message me on xbox
BluWolf, if your still looking for people to do some collabs with please message me because I'm starting my channel soon and I need to get people to make some good content with.
GT: Tanner Zzz
I'll check back here if you don't want to message me on xbox
okey i will add you mine is xLoketx 41