
I'm not much of a vlog guy but all the spinning and motion was starting to get dizzying.
Also the title seemed a little weird, it was 90% about going to a location to film your drum video and the only part about "Almost dropping it" was literally one second where you say "I almost dropped it" there was no crazy footage or reaction like "oooooo jeez that was close".
Pick a different spot to blog or at least many everything in your room look nice, also work up your branding some more (Something that I am also currently working on.)
thanks for the feedback, as far as editing is there anything you would recommend?
Not so much editing as being ok with not every shot having to be an action moving shot, you can connect with your audience if you are just standing still looking down the barrel. Even in your room, it's like you're spinning in circles for no real reason. Maybe that's just a personal preference and I am completely wrong, but I found it a little hard to focus on what you were saying at times because there was no much movement. Maybe have the video go a couple of minutes longer and slow down the jump cuts