Movie freaks unite!
The first 10 people to positively comment and like any of my videos in the next hour will receive a comment, like and favorite of one of your videos in return. The only rule, aside from the time limit, is that the comment must be at least 5 words long.
When the time is up I shall post the names of the winners to this thread, and if this game proves to be successful round 2 will come by tomorrow or the next day.
The clock is ticking.. GO!
-Eric[DOUBLEPOST=1354507694,1354502885][/DOUBLEPOST]Times up fools! The winner of the first round of WIN-WIN is Th3StuffShow. HOORAY!! Go check out his channel he's got some cool stuff on there. Tune in tomorrow evening for round 2!
When the time is up I shall post the names of the winners to this thread, and if this game proves to be successful round 2 will come by tomorrow or the next day.
The clock is ticking.. GO!
-Eric[DOUBLEPOST=1354507694,1354502885][/DOUBLEPOST]Times up fools! The winner of the first round of WIN-WIN is Th3StuffShow. HOORAY!! Go check out his channel he's got some cool stuff on there. Tune in tomorrow evening for round 2!