Comedy Will it kill my channel to officially collaborate with this?

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Nice Man
I host a comedic bible show. I also got invited to be a part of a violent action comedy film that came out recently. The people at the film channel want me to promote this on my channel, but I'm hesitant because they're such different brands. Would you mind grabbing a sample and giving me your feedback?

I'd promote it. But if you're having reservations, just make sure to convey that the film doesn't have much to do with your channel, it's just a project you were involved with and you're offering it to your fans if they'd like to check it out. Also, for lack of a better word, "warn" them that the film's material is different than what's on your channel. Doing all of that, I think you should be good. But ultimately, it's up to you to decide whether you want to or not.
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