Why is my Ad performance is less than my estimate earnings?


Active Member
My Ads performance grossing is $1,418.07 and my Estimate earnings is $813.31*

Am i getting scammed or something? I'm with Machinima. I got a feeling they taking much more of my earnings? I'm confused, so how come my ads earning is higher? therefore I should get more than my estimate? Hope im not confusing you :D
The gross revenue is all of the revenue your videos generate, the estimated earnings shown on your YouTube analytics are after YouTube take their cut (45%) and then what you actually earn will be that minus whatever cut you negotiated with machinima.
The gross revenue is all of the revenue your videos generate, the estimated earnings shown on your YouTube analytics are after YouTube take their cut (45%) and then what you actually earn will be that minus whatever cut you negotiated with machinima.

Let say my estimate earnings is $300. My split 70/30
So 300x0.45= 135
135x0.30 = 40.50?

wut? so i be earning $40.50 if my estimate earning is 300? waa?
No your splits are the other way round don't worry :)

If your gross revenue is $300, YT will take 45% of that, leaving you with the other 55%, so your estimated earnings will be 300*0.55 = $165

Then of that estimated earnings (the ones displayed in your YouTube analytics) you get 70%, so you get 165*0.7 = 115.5

So the final estimated earnings that should be displayed in your machinima dashboard (if there is such a thing, I'm not with machinima so I don't know sorry) will be $115.50
^^ This math is correct.

Basically Google doesn't know what your contract is with the network so they can't display your final earnings within YouTube.

To answer your original question: If the check you get from Machinima is less than the amount you calculate using the above method for the month in question then you might be getting cheated. That is kinda unlikely, but definitely possible.

note: be sure you are comparing the correct months in analytics vs the correct check/paypal payment.