Why did Fullscreen say no?


I applied like a week ago? They rejected me, I don't have any copyright strikes or anything so I was just a bit confused since I have seen channels with like 30 subscribes get partnered before.
That sucks that they have said no dude! I don't know why as I have never applied for partnership before, but its there loss! Aim for bigger things and im sure you will get there!
I applied like a week ago? They rejected me, I don't have any copyright strikes or anything so I was just a bit confused since I have seen channels with like 30 subscribes get partnered before.

Try applying for Fullscreen Arcade!
It is strange that you didn't get accepted, I've seen channels with like 30 subs get in.
Maybe just bad luck? :(
Apparently their requirements have gone up (back to normal), they went through a phase of accepting small channels.
I'm not 100% sure on this info, though.
They basically partner anyone now, so i'm shocked they didn't accept you. It could be an number of factors. Just grow your channel (200+ vpd) and partner with a better network :)
I didnt get accepted with them the first two times that I tried but after a few months i applied again and got accepted so dont give up :) they are a great network