Wholesaling Real Estate for Beginners - 5 Myths Debunked

Epic Real Estate

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If you’re looking into wholesaling real estate, and you consider yourself a beginner, this could be the most important video you watch this year. One of the most common strategies for beginning real estate investors looking to dive into real estate investing is to get started by "driving for dollars" using an app on their phone to wholesale property. **Get 30 days of free access to that app + $30 of mail credit at http://epicdealmachine.com If you've listened to the BiggerPockets, Sean Terry or Max Maxwell podcasts, or attended a Fortunebuilders seminar, you've learned that wholesaling real estate is a great way to make some cash to pick up rental properties and can be done with poor credit and little capital. Over the last few months, I’ve been working with quite a few beginning wholesaling clients inside of our REI Ace program (http://REIAce.com) and the preconceived notions they have about wholesaling real estate never cease to amaze me. I picked the 5 most common wholesaling myths I hear and put them together for you, in no particular order.
