Which partnership is ideal for my channel?


Loving YTtalk
Hey guys, I've been reading information about partnerships and it seems some of these networks partner content specific channels. For example some are aimed towards partnering gaming channels, etc. I am not looking to monetize my videos at the moment since most of these networks require more views than my channel currently has. I am curious to know what network would be ideal for my channel. Anyone know of any? My channel is a sort of an artsy kind of channel. I'd appreciate any info you may have. Thanks!
My channel is youtube.com/kaizahr
Your channel is way to small to be thinking of partnership yet, wait until you`re getting at least 100 views a day.

And then You`d be eligible for Creator-X (judge mostly on content) , RPM Network (84 views daily) , DaWorldtv (84 views a day)
and of course no copyrighted content or any strikes :)
Your channel is way to small to be thinking of partnership yet, wait until you`re getting at least 100 views a day.

And then You`d be eligible for Creator-X (judge mostly on content) , RPM Network (84 views daily) , DaWorldtv (84 views a day)
and of course no copyrighted content or any strikes :)
Thanks, I'll look into those networks when I fulfill their requirements.
Depending on your Content you should try to find a Network that does fit your Audience the best instead of trying to find a Network that does cover up every aspect of Gaming/Music/...

I strongly would advice you to create a Business Plan and reach with it out to any Networks that you might believe that would fulfill your expectations. If you don`t totally screw up with it you should have a few Offers on your Table by the end of the next Week.

It`s nowadays more your Content and it`s Quality then actually your current View-/Subscriber Counter that makes an Network accept you in then it was a few Years ago. YouTube has changed in the last couple of Years a lot and the Classic Gain first a few Million Views before you apply for an Network Strategy isn`t really anymore the only Way to apply for an Network Contract nowadays.