where do i submit my gorilla video?

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Hello! I just signed with Fullscreen and i have a question about gorilla campaigns.
as soon as an awesome guerilla campaign showed up, i made a video :) i´m so exited... How is the procedure now? where do i submit my video for approval? what do i have to check or uncheck on youtube? I can´t find the answer, although i´m sure i alreday saw it somewhere... so sorry for bothering, but please help! campaign starts ina few hours...
Hello! I just signed with Fullscreen and i have a question about gorilla campaigns.
as soon as an awesome guerilla campaign showed up, i made a video :) i´m so exited... How is the procedure now? where do i submit my video for approval? what do i have to check or uncheck on youtube? I can´t find the answer, although i´m sure i alreday saw it somewhere... so sorry for bothering, but please help! campaign starts ina few hours...
www.fullscreen.net has the answer in there. Also, didn't you get a PDF file about Gorilla Campaigns?
Thanks for the fast answer! well... i would not have asked if i had found the answer on fullscreen.net :) i received a info- pdf- but it was very superficial and there was nothing about the procedure after finishing a video. Do i have to click monetazation on or off on youtube ? How do the fullscreen peeps know that i want to participate? Where does it get approved?
Thanks for the fast answer! well... i would not have asked if i had found the answer on fullscreen.net :) i received a info- pdf- but it was very superficial and there was nothing about the procedure after finishing a video. Do i have to click monetazation on or off on youtube ? How do the fullscreen peeps know that i want to participate? Where does it get approved?

Well, you might want to contact support@fullscreen.net :D
When i am on the gorilla campaign page- i click enter...then there is written: Upload the video onto your YouTube channel, and provide a link to your video below. We can't wait to see your video!
Problem is:
"Below" is nothing...what do they mean?
Go to "Gorilla", choose the campaign, press "enter" on the top right. Now when you scroll down the page, it will show all the requirements and stuff for that gorilla campaign. Scroll all the way down to "Paste the link to your YouTube video." and put your link in that box.

Check the box saying you agree to terms and conditions. Press the "submit video" button. Done.
Hi! Thank you! That Sounds awesome. Unfortunately there seems to be some kind of bug. The campaign started yesterday and there is still no box where i can submit my Video link- :'-(
OMG i Need to try another browser! Maybe this works...
Hi! Thank you! That Sounds awesome. Unfortunately there seems to be some kind of bug. The campaign started yesterday and there is still no box where i can submit my Video link- :'-(
OMG i Need to try another browser! Maybe this works...

Did you figure it out? I have the same problem!
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