When do you start to make money?


Active Member
I mean, even cents. Does the Youtube analytics really late for monetization or even with 10k views I don't even make a cent?

I can't seem to find a good monetization 101 for Youtube (only 101 ways to monetize).
Once you start getting 1000 views a day you should consider signing with a network and monetising your videos. Anything earlier you make worthless pocket change and will probably put off viewers from ads on videos that probably don't warrant monetisation.
10,000 views will mean approximately 5,000 of those are monetised. It will differ with circumstances but that will earn you approximately $15.

With AdSense and most networks, you need to earn $100 to be sent any money so you'll need to get a total of approx 60,000 total views (approx 30,000 monetised) to earn your $100.
If you look around, I know some networks that do have no minimum threshold. The only minimum threshold is set by the services they use. For example, if you received payment via Paypal, there minimum threshold is $1, whereas the banks some networks use have a minimum threshold of $100 to $150.
I have a question also, I have almost 19k views right now, I connected ad-sense the day I started YouTube, I have monetized all of my videos. I am not making any money on ad-sense still. Does anyone know why?