When Contract is Done, Can you Partner another Network or YT?


Well-Known Member
My final question about Partnership....I hope :eek:

So if I partner with a Network, and my contract ends, will I be able to partner another Network, or maybe YT self?

Thank you!

So many questions hahaha
My contract states that when it runs out it will auto-renew.. but it then goes on to say that if I notify them within 30 days of it ended that i don't want it to renew my channel will be released from their network, I am then free to apply for any other network partnership. But unless I grow a lot I might just stick with the same partner program because it's really made a different on my views and income.
Yeah, you just have to let your network know what's going on. If you leave one, then you can join another one. The trick is getting out of that contract!
My final question about Partnership....I hope :eek:

So if I partner with a Network, and my contract ends, will I be able to partner another Network, or maybe YT self?

Thank you!

So many questions hahaha
You have to notify the network 30 days before the end of the contract, then they`ll release you when it ends... hopefully (if they`re legit)
And, yes , then you can get partnered with another network or youtube themselves? (they`re worse than a network so I`m not sure why you would....)
Let's say my contract ends in May.
If I'd tell the network that I would like to leave them.. there wouldn't be any problem, am I right?
Nope! I'd let them know at least a month in advance though, say the first of April, send them a message saying you want to leave them at the end of your term. They should release you then.