Whats your idea of a good youtube video?


I've Got It
it doesnt really matter on what genre of video, imo on commentaries I think the video is better if its live played (the footage isnt prerecorded) as it shows real personality as cod commentaries could be recorded 10 times until the uploader gets it how he/she wants, if that makes sense.

My latest video:
I agree, for a gaming channel i prefer to hear a commentary by someone that is actually playing the came wile recording.
Different is if you do like MinnesotaBurns that uses in game footage just to give a body to the audio and the trolling he does.
I agree, for a gaming channel i prefer to hear a commentary by someone that is actually playing the came wile recording.
Different is if you do like MinnesotaBurns that uses in game footage just to give a body to the audio and the trolling he does.

in live commentaries and such I believe its better to not think of topics and such, cause then it gives you the chance to say all the random things that pop into your head, and if people disagrees cause that could leave awkward pauses, if people cant think of things to say in videos they shouldnt be commentating tbh
in live commentaries and such I believe its better to not think of topics and such, cause then it gives you the chance to say all the random things that pop into your head, and if people disagrees cause that could leave awkward pauses, if people cant think of things to say in videos they shouldnt be commentating tbh
Exactly, it is a talent to keep on going during the action, and put on a flow of words that make sense.
Most of what I see out there, as far as gaming channels goes, is LOADS of people filming, few commenting, a little bunch being actually able to nail it.
Like taping a videogame session, and modifying it in some way, is a shure road for success......NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!
Exactly, it is a talent to keep on going during the action, and put on a flow of words that make sense.
Most of what I see out there, as far as gaming channels goes, is LOADS of people filming, few commenting, a little bunch being actually able to nail it.
Like taping a videogame session, and modifying it in some way, is a shure road for success......NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!
I agree man, Watch my video and tell me what you think of my stuff?:)
I will right now

Update: I think the main issue is that you choose games that are not fast paced, Minecraft is not the most fast paced game around, you cannot tell much about olympics because during the action one is bashing buttons and there is nothing really to say.
Plus in the Smite episode that is actually your most recent one, is a little better, but i would have not, personally waited that much to show the actual gameplay, I would have cut straight to the game.
Some lines here and there were well placed, but still the main reason because the games I saw don't get much consideration for commentary save rare exceptions is because it's really difficoult to have something to comment.
in smite there was a lot of randomness, but i believe, that the issue is the type of games.
Do you have another more fast paced game, that doesn't neeed you to fill the gaps between something noticeable in the actual gameplay?
have you tried to do a tutorial?
Pretty much what Frankie said ^ If you're going to do slower paced games where there may be 'gaps' where nothing really happens or is said then you could try just cutting out those gaps via the magic of editing as long as it doesn't mess too much with the continuity of the gameplay or whatever (i.e. it's good to still be able to follow what's happening even after a jump-cut)

I watched the Smite video Frankie was referring to, 5:35 minutes is a tad long for fiddling about with menus and character selection I feel, maybe that's just me being impatient

Toribash is a great choice however, that game is just plain hilarious no matter what :giggle:

I'm also just gonna go ahead and disagree that live commentaries are the only way to go though. Sure, it's better in a lot of cases, but sometimes if you've got something interesting/complex to talk about then it's not necessarily a bad thing to just commentate over pre-recorded footage if it helps you address your points a lot more fluently and concisely. Maybe that's just me though. I know I'm not the greatest commentator but I enjoy doing it anyway, so what's to say I'm not allowed to do it if I'm not necessarily great with live comm's? Or anyone else for that matter
SumthinRS, we did not said that live comment is the only way!
We pointed out that it takes talent (along with the most appropriate game) to make it enjoyable to watch if it is done live.
Off course if something is done well, it will be enjoyable to watch: I made the example of Minnesotaburns for somebody that does something different, even if it uses game footage for mere body, since his focus is on trolling.
What makes it hard, is that there are tons of channels out there with MW3 or other FPS, way too many, and almost nobody is doing something worth to be watched in my personal opinion.
If I have to watch somebody else play and talk over a game, it better be helpful because he explains things, amazing because I should say "I will never be that good", or funny because of the situation, glitch, trolling, etc.
Because to be honest, It is a videogame, and once it has been seen a few times, is gonna be the same thing over and over, expecially with the legion of kids that uploads videos of them shooting and play, thinking that putting music on them, and doing slo-mo, and video effects will make them do wonders.
Sorry I need to learn to read things properly, lol, totally got the wrong impression :(

I agree that it does take talent to make a live comm that's actually good, that's why I don't do them usually :P