Whats the best Network in Youtube?

Im just wondering but whats the best Network in Youtube the Partnership Network and What Network is Smosh in?

Makers studios has the most big channels and they treat their members really well. Like giving them crews within a short notice for recording and the such.

In terms of popularity, Machinima.
LOL Machinima, good one!
Makers studios has the most big channels and they treat their members really well. Like giving them crews within a short notice for recording and the such.

LOL Machinima, good one!

Isn't that the case? I never said it was the best, I said in terms of popularity (meaning views the network acquires) that it's the most popular?
Isn't that the case? I never said it was the best, I said in terms of popularity (meaning views the network acquires) that it's the most popular?
not necissarily. Machinima is basically secluded to gaming. where as maker studios is so big it has many branching networks (rpm,the game station, ect.) I think machinima is so popular because there are soooo many gamer channels out there ha ha so in popularity I think that one is the most well known.
Im just wondering but whats the best Network in Youtube the Partnership Network and What Network is Smosh in?
What a vague question -__-
How do you define your word "Best"?
Networks vary from Gaming to Entertainment to Big Artists Network.
Can you compare Cartoon Network or a sport channel with entertainment channels like HBO? Networks just work the same way, if you're looking for a good network they are specilaised in specific categories.
-Maker Studios(Official) is the best for entertainment videos/ parody etc.
-Machinima(Numerous Gaming license), IGN, TGS are really good gaming networks.
-Bentpixels provide great CPM as a network.
-Curse provides Fixed CPM
-Fullscreen, Machinima are on of the top in poupularity
-VEVO is for all the big artisits

So you can see how networks vary, it all depends on what your channel content and what your main aim you're looking for in the network.
Honestly for gaming i reckon, the best network would be union for gamers, the offer a 90/10 split and no lock in contract
-Curse provides Fixed CPM

Actually Curse don't anymore. They only provide a 90/10 rev share now for new partners and eventually partners who are on the $3 fixed contract will be phased out ;)[DOUBLEPOST=1368642915,1368642747][/DOUBLEPOST]As for networks going, there isn't really a best network, you got to look at what you want from that network. Nearly every network offers different things.