Standard InStream Ads
What are InStream ads?
Standard InStream ads are video ads that may be seen as a pre-, mid-, or post-roll video ad against short or long form partner content viewed on channel or watch pages. They may be up to 30 seconds long, and viewers must watch before watching the selected video. A companion 300x60 ad unit is usually displayed alongside YouTube videos that show InStream ads.
InStream ads are sold on a CPM basis, and may generate higher CPMs than other ad formats on YouTube. They may also result in a higher sell-through rate of ads against your content. The revenue you earn from InStream ads is incremental.
When do InStream ads appear?
A host of dynamic signals, including content type and how a user discovered the video, help determine the best time to serve an InStream ad. Videos longer than 10 minutes may still be subject to the old policy of an InStream ad appearing a maximum of once every 7 minutes.
When we don't have inventory to display InStream ads against your videos, we'll backfill with other ad formats.