What does unrestricted CPM mean?


Certified Sorta Cool Guy
unrestricted? No boundaries? Varying?
How does it work?
How do they decide how much you earn?
is it just really arbitrary... or do they actually do some calculations?

I'm confused. As you can see.
unrestricted? No boundaries? Varying?
How does it work?
How do they decide how much you earn?
is it just really arbitrary... or do they actually do some calculations?

I'm confused. As you can see.

Unfixed means it can go as high as infinite (But Google only sell ads up to $6) or go as low as 0 (really bad network for that) Compared to a fixed CPM which may guarantee $2, no higher no lower.

With some un-fixed CPMs they do have a limit like Machinima Affilatship`s at $2.

some networks sell their own ads (higher than $6) allowing you to earn more.

They don`t decide , unless they sell their own, their stuck with Google`s ads. They decide how much they take.

Taking any more than 30/40% Net is a scam because a content creator deserves more than half his/hers own earnings
I believe it's the cost of ads displayed on your videos that determines how much money you get. Some ads are payed more,some less. And that's what determines the CPM. At least I think so,I'll stick around this thread so I can know if I'm wrong.
I also forgot to say, Net or Gross :

If the split is 60/40 NET like RPM Network`s , not only do they take 60 of your earnings but they take 60% after they`ve already deducted money for staff and buildings!

Gross means 50/50 but of all the revenue

also for a network such as TGN, They say you get 100% but actually first Youtube takes 30%, then BBTV takes 40% of whats left, then Viso takes 20% of whats left, then Acifin takes 15% of whats left, then TGN gives you 100% of the rest, which turns out very little
How do you know if it's gross or net? It doesn't really say on the contract (and 60/40 gross means I get 60 and they get 40 right)
They usually say in really small print.

Although some peopl ask me why I hate on RPM network, well it didn`t say ontheirs that the 60/40 split was NET so I asked support and on the forums.... I got a 2 week ban from the forums and a support team member told me told me to p**s off
They usually say in really small print.

Although some peopl ask me why I hate on RPM network, well it didn`t say ontheirs that the 60/40 split was NET so I asked support and on the forums.... I got a 2 week ban from the forums and a support team member told me told me to p**s off
You keep saying that but do you actually have proof? I'm getting sick of your posts.