What do you guys think of my new thumbnail design?


YTtalk Mad
Hi Guys! I took inspiration from TheBadoomtch with a little twist :)
Looks cool! How'd you do it? (I use GIMP to make my thumbnails as well)
Looks cool! How'd you do it? (I use GIMP to make my thumbnails as well)

Make a gradient for the background from corner to opposite corner, apply the pixelate filter (which ever amount you want) new layer fill black, apply layer mask put a radial gradient for the vignette.
I like it but I think you should add something to show that the video is going to involve minecraft. Looking at the thumbnail should give me an idea of what its going to be about.
I think it looks nice as a design! That being said, it is slightly empty, if that makes sense. It's like something else should go there, like an icon or your face.
I think it looks nice as a design! That being said, it is slightly empty, if that makes sense. It's like something else should go there, like an icon or your face.

I agree, you need to make it perhaps more interesting. When you post a video on youtube, it sits with so many others out there in a search, and your's needs to scream out to viewers. When you think it does, then its finished haha.