What are the benefits of joining a network?

Ability to better contest copyright claims
higher CPM
access to royalty free music(depending on the network)
possible promotion and advertising of your channel
ability to livestream on youtube properly

contract-locked for a set term(usually 1-2years)
have to pay the network a percentage of revenue(usually about 20-30%)

there's more but i can't think off the top of my head.
Well it depends on the network, but generally;

* Protects you against click bombing if you were to get botted
* Audio library with a bunch of audio/sound effects available to you
* Forums (To learn, promote, collab, get ideas, etc.)
* Higher paying ads
* Licenses for games, and other things
* Partner support to answer any of the questions you have
* Possible Promotion (but don't count on it unless you are one of their big partners)

* Locked into the contract (Average 1-2 years)
* Cut in your pay
Flammy You can deal with this, right? I think that they aren't necessary always a good idea. You need to see a lawyer.
A better question is "what are you looking for" so we can tell you how a network (probably) isn't gonna help with it...

Networks: Click-bomb protection, Youtube Modules, Dashboard (Some networks), Royalty Free Music. That's basically it.

Youtube: Custom Thumbnails, and Adsense account, that's it.

Flammy would say:

Small Channel = Adsense , Bigger channel = possibly partner with a network