what about VISO partnership ?


New Member
Hi guys ,
This is my second thread here in this great forum , and its about Partnership let me explain :

Since about 2 days i received a message on my inbox from network called VISO they offer me to be partner with their network VISO.

My question is : Is that network a good partner ? should i accept ?

Note: I browsing in the partnership forum and can't find anything about VISO Partnership

Thanks for all
I've not heard of them before.


They are VERY small though. Heck I have double the subs they do.

If you're new to networking etc, go with an established network. I appreciate all networks have to start somewhere, but there are so many 'kiddie' networks set up by 14 year olds these days it's wise to really research who you're signing your channel over to.
lol, you guys are funny. Please, if you don't know, don't post. VISO is BroadbandTV and they're not small. Yes visonetworkhub has only a few subs but that's because it has no content. Look up their VISO Trailers (900K+ sub) and VISO Games (200K+ sub) hub channels.

Now, I would never recommend anyone go with them, but certainly not because they're a small network. More so because their payments are garbage.
lol, you guys are funny. Please, if you don't know, don't post. VISO is BroadbandTV and they're not small. Yes visonetworkhub has only a few subs but that's because it has no content. Look up their VISO Trailers (900K+ sub) and VISO Games (200K+ sub) hub channels.

Now, I would never recommend anyone go with them, but certainly not because they're a small network. More so because their payments are garbage.

yap.... TGN, TGS, VISO... all these networks come from BroadBandTV bad cpm.....
I will never partnered with small networks because maybe they were not verified and not trusted. If you want to be partner, try to apply at Fullscreen or RPM. If they don't accept you for this time, keep making videos, and try again later