Were growing but could do with your help! Thanks!

Video Muncher

Some Gamer
MrVideoMuncher is a growing channel and but its no good saying this because for all i know people could hate everything about us. So please give us your feedback on anything and everything! Like us ? Then drop us a sub or a like maybe. Don't? Then suggest improvements and give us criticism (only constructive) And forget the whole video quality and size thing because i will be doing full HD video and audio from Christmas :D So when your checking out the videos base it on what i say, what i record ECT. Thanks for your time :)

MrVideoMuncher is a growing channel and but its no good saying this because for all i know people could hate everything about us. So please give us your feedback on anything and everything! Like us ? Then drop us a sub or a like maybe. Don't? Then suggest improvements and give us criticism (only constructive) And forget the whole video quality and size thing because i will be doing full HD video and audio from Christmas :D So when your checking out the videos base it on what i say, what i record ECT. Thanks for your time :)


Will check it out, but you posted in the wrong section my friend ;)
No! I hate you!! :devil: (I'm Evil)
lol jk ya guys are fine, I'm not a huge fan of gamers but i'll respect your work.
one tip of advice, make your videos a little bit more... clear-er *cough,HD*
No! I hate you!! :devil: (I'm Evil)
lol jk ya guys are fine, I'm not a huge fan of gamers but i'll respect your work.
one tip of advice, make your videos a little bit more... clear-er *cough,HD*
Hah, thanks and i know as i said i shall be doing full HD audio and video from Christmas :DD But thanks man!