Websites like reedit?


I play video entertainment thats interactive.
Just wondering if there are any more sites like reedit that I could link to my videos to.
do not use reddit to post your own content unless you want to see the darkside of reddit. when people post others cool content they find it has the possibilities to go viral! "i know because my video did" buuuuttt if you post your own stuff on reddit you will usually get down voted orr... a troll will take your link and post it in the cringe section getting you 100,s of dislikes in hours
Reedit is this great site where you can look at tall, grass-like plants that grow in wet places. I do not know if there are other sites like it.
Reddit* lol thanks for the replies guys.

Reddit isn't all that bad, I actually have gotten a few subs from it. Definitely need to find better sites though.
I have posted my videos on Reddit a few times. I get voted down but I do get views... No subscribers from what I can tell, though.