We will defeat the DISTANCE. Long Distance Relationships


I met my boyfriend online about 3 and a half years ago on Playstation Home. YES, PLAYSTATION!!!
We met in the July 2009 and we talked almost everyday on playstation for about 2 months, until the summer ended and we wouldn't be able to communicate all the time through playstation. So we decided to exchange our emails and added one another on MSN messanger. When school began we were still able to communicate with eachother whenever we wanted. At this time, I had shared many pictures of myself with him, so he was well aware of how I looked. However, I didn't know what he looked like. Aside from this, i actually really liked him, JUST for HIM! We moved onto Skype once it began getting quite popular, which is what we still use to this day to communicate with one another. Of course now, I know how he looks like and we have met on 3 different occasions.

In 2011, I made the decision to go visit him in Los Angeles, which is where he is from. I live in Toronto, Canada. This was not only my first time seeing him in person, but it was my first flying experience PERIOD...and of course I needed to get a passport before I could fly over to him. I spent a week in L.A with him and I was incredibly filled with joy as he took me all over LA.

A year after the first visit, he came to visit me in Toronto August 2012. He stayed for two and a half weeks. It was very hard to say goodbye to him this time, because our relationship has grown so much and we really are putting the effort in to make this work. Just last week, he returned to attend my college graduation, and stayed for another week with me.

My videos and channel are dedicated to the visits we have had and I really hope viewers enjoy them!

Please check out my channel: RayMariMe
That is so incredibly adorable. I am so happy for you two. I have had my fair share of long-distance relationships and I know how much of a struggle that is. Unfortunately for me, mine have never lasted. Yours must be very fulfilling though.

Brandon x
This is so cute. You two must be so great together for this. I know how a long distance relationship feels and I congratulate you on making this far and I hope everything goes well in the near and distant future.