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hey guys
ok early this morning i was looking at my you tube and my view - how long they had been up and it wasn't good so i had a idea. hte idea was to make something like machinima but for people who need exposure and for people who want to become know on you tube because i don't know about you but some of the stuff i uploaded i put a lot of time into but didn't get the view i thought it deserved.

also unlike other sites like this your video does not need to be 1080p because i realise the equipment you need to make 1080p or even 720p videos cost a bit of dosh so on this channel the video only has to be 240p or over

how do you get the video up there?
the way you do it is send me the file in a email to BroadcastCinema(@)gmail . com and i will upload the video within the next couple of days and all the credit will go to you.

check the channel out now i put up a small video to get the ball rolling enjoy

Channel name : BroadcastCinemaHDBroadcastCinemaHD

Like the idea tell your freinds and spread it around :)