Vlog Vlog Motivation!


Well-Known Member
I've been thinking, there are a lot of people who would be great vloggers if they were more consistent.
To drive motivation I think we should have weekly challenges. Where we - as a mass group - do a challenge.
i.e "This week you need to learn to/create/build/make/draw/paint/film ______"
Something that's achievable, and budget friendly for everyone to take part in.
Does anyone wanna get together and try this?
I need some motivation and I'm pretty sure this is one of the best ideas to keep getting videos to my channel. Hit me up!
Brilliant, I think the more people who get involved the more and more this will flourish into something fantastic.
I think we could also have a forfeit for anyone unable to complete the challenge so that they still have an opportunity to post a video.
Obviously nothing too drastic, something lighthearted and fun!