Visual content Copyright Notice, what do i do?


I've Got It
ok so for the first time i got this and im not sure what to do, this is a picture of what it says .....


So i have no idea what to do and the part of the video that it is referring to is just a small cut scene of the alien showing up, i cant find anything to do with this Believe YT News and im really not sure what the next step is

Any help or advice would be gratefully appreciated
Just dispute it as fair use and describe that "Believe YT News" doenst own the content, SEGA does and it'll go away.

It happens very often that you get false content id claims from people that are scammers. They hope you don't dispute it to earn some money.
Thank you, its quite sad that they do that to try and earn money and its pretty confusing for newbies like me so i appreciate you taking the time to answer this

I'm also having the same claim on that exact moment of the Alien: Isolation game. Tried to find who are "Believe YT News". They mentioned about 3-6 times over the internet, and had some claims on Youtube videos in about 2009-2011. Might have abandoned their 'partner' account long ago or being blocked for violating.
So I just made what I did before with another false claim for some gaming video. Last time my counter-claim was not answered for 40 or so days, and thus the channel is having good reputation, which is important for monetization.
If you don't answer - youtube and adsense account can be blocked or expelled from monetization. Deleting video will not delete copyright claim, and your channel will still be in danger.
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Same issue here but on two different videos of my AI playthrough, one with just visual content claim and the other with audiovisual... wtf!?

So the best thing is to file a dispute and argue for fair use?
I'm doing that and going a step farther. I'm going to email Sega about this group claiming fake copyright on their material. Sega said they have no intention of going after us for these videos, so I don't think they'll take to kindly to some group falsely claiming their IP
Please learn about ContentID and how it works before accusing groups of fake or scam related copyright claims. These claims are the result of mass claiming under ContentID by a content owner MCN. They bulk claim material from their partners, assuming their partners own the rights to the material on their channels. When a channel has a cutscene from a game as part of that content, it gets matched as cutscenes are identical every time.

Yes it's crappy that the system allows for this to happen, but nothing nefarious is going on. Essentially, no video game channel should ever be able to enter gameplay into ContentID. Dispute the claim and move on with your life.