Viso thumbnail tool


I Love YTtalk
So I was going through Viso's thingy and noticed that they had a thumbnail tool w/ their optimizing system. It's pretty cool, I used it on one of my vids. Took like 10secs, and it actually looks great! A big shortcut for noobs like me that don't know how to use PS. Anyone else used it?
Skipped it, went straight to learning PS. I'm sure it's a great tool for those who need it though. Thanks for sharing with the community.

(PS: get & learn PS, even a "noob" (Vloggingrandom's word) can learn to make thumbs in less than a day)
Lol my method of getting thumbnails is even more ghetto than that! I simply add text over a clip from my video, take a screenshot, then paste it into Paint. Don't have the money for Photoshop I'm afraid. I've heard GIMP is good, but it looks a bit daunting.
Lol my method of getting thumbnails is even more ghetto than that! I simply add text over a clip from my video, take a screenshot, then paste it into Paint. Don't have the money for Photoshop I'm afraid. I've heard GIMP is good, but it looks a bit daunting.

That's awesome man. Since I do vlogs, I think I might just do that :P I don't need anything fancy