Video Lengths


New Member
Hey all, got a question.

I've noticed my audience retention on my longer project videos (25+ minutes) tends to fall off. I'm curious if anyone has any experience with cutting their longer videos into shorter ones. I'm not talking Part 1, Part 2, etc (I hate that, personally).

For example, a video I'm working on is cleaning and repairing an older G5 PowerMac liquid cooling system. I'm inclined to do it as one large video, starting with 'remove the cpu system' and ending with 'reinstalling the cpu' - but I'm wondering if I would be better off breaking it into smaller videos of 'removing the LCS' 'Cleaning the LCS' 'Cleaning the CPU' 'Reinstallation'.

Appreciate any advise, comments, or what have you. Thanks!
If its a video the viewer is really interested in, they will watch through.
Personally if I wanted to watch the actual process I would prefer it being in one video, rather then having to click between different parts etc.
Saying that, having it in parts means you could monitize each part separately also ;)
I'm considering doing them in separate videos, and putting them together in a playlist. For one thing, I can do multiple smaller videos, and post the videos quicker as I move through my project, hopefully generating interest and monetization as time passes. This is especially important, I believe, on a large project (spanning a couple months).