Other VanChan Monthly Webisode Festival is looking for submissions for June.


I'm part of an organization that screens webisodes every five weeks in Vancouver Canada. You can find out more details about the festival at vanchan.ca

The rules are that they must be under 5 minutes, you must provide a title card, and you should be planning to release a follow up webisode the next month if you are voted into the top 5.

We show 10 webisodes each month, 5 returning and 5 newcomers. We are especially looking for local talent, as people who will show up to the event for the Q&A portion are usually the ones who get voted through, however we also accept webisodes from everywhere and try to include a few international ones.

What do you get out of it? Your video screened in front of a live audience, the chance to promote your work, and your video featured on the VanChanFilmFest youtube channel.

We are not paying ourselves to host these events at this time, all proceeds from ticket sales have been going towards holding bigger and better screenings.

Please submit your webisode to vanchan.ca and be part of something awesome.

I am happy to discuss this opportunity here.