Uploading hd videos

Hi how does everyone upload huge hd files to YouTube? I have a crappy 980kbps upload speed and it takes forever. Is there anything else I could try? Maybe compressing the video without losing quality?
Hi Steve... i have been uploading 4 HD videos. MyUSB Modem upload speed average is 80 - 100kbps. The connection is unstable, sometime i have to click connect again to continuing my upload progress. If i have HD videos 300MB, it takes 4- 5 hour to complete. your upload speed is 980kbps, your upload speed is faster than mine... so don't worry, just click upload, wait, make sure connection is safe. Then your HD videos upload finished.
Exactly how much time does it take on average, and how long are your videos? We upload full HD videos and it takes roughly 1-2 hours for a 6-8min vid (this includes processing) and we have very high upload speeds (we specifically pay more to Comcast for it).

Use a speedtest website to see where the internet (upload) is fastest in your house if you are uploading over wifi (you can actually sometimes get faster wifi being further away). If you are able to direct-connect to your modem (as in, plugging your computer directly in with an ethernet cord) do that too. That will always be faster than going over wifi.

Also, try seeing if you can get better internet in a coffee shop or some other place that has free wifi. The smaller the place, the better probably.
It takes about an hour to upload a 2 min video at full hd, I was just wondering how ppl upload full tv shows every day, I just want to put all my videos on YouTube without waiting hours to do just one video
Think about it like this. After you upload something, it's there FOREVER. So, make sure it is in full HD and start uploading it, then just leave your computer alone overnight or all day while you go out and do your daily activities. It's worth it, it may take a while but who cares?
My uploads are typically over 1GB, sometimes up to 2.5GB!
With the larger ones I tend to take it into work and upload there. 2.5GB in 8 mins!!
Think about it like this. After you upload something, it's there FOREVER. So, make sure it is in full HD and start uploading it, then just leave your computer alone overnight or all day while you go out and do your daily activities. It's worth it, it may take a while but who cares?
Agreed. My upload speed is about 800k. I uploaded a video that was from a terrible source and rendered almost out of existence. If I compressed it any to upload, it would have just made the quality worse. Uncompressed, it took about 3 hours to upload. (It's a pretty short clip.) Just be patient. Walk away for a bit if you have to.