Upcoming Improvements to Long-form Monetization on YouTube


YouTube Addict
Those that create long videos might find this useful:

Long-form content -- defined as any video longer than 10 minutes -- continues to drive more and more watch time on YouTube. To help you better monetize longer videos and continue to grow your audience, we will be introducing a few improvements over the coming weeks.

Smarter ad serving
We’re taking a smarter approach to ad serving on long-form videos. We’ll be moving away from the static seven minute frequency cap and gradually introducing a more fluid ad serving model. These changes extend some of the ad serving improvements we announced last year to videos longer than 10 minutes.

Our research shows this should maximize long-term viewership and revenue by serving ads at the best possible time. Now that we’re moving towards a more flexible model, you may want to revisit your long-form content and add midroll ad breaks where you see fit. While these changes should benefit most partners, it’s important to monitor your reporting to find the mix of ad formats and break times that best integrate with your content.

Simplifying settings
We’ll also be streamlining monetization setup for long-form content. Starting September 10, 2013, partners will be able to set ad breaks using any combination of the tools available. For new long-form video uploads, you will be able to set ad breaks using XML, and then tweak these breaks later using Video Manager (and vice versa):


You can set ad breaks in the Video Manager section shown above, found under Edit > Info and settings > Monetization.

How will this affect my existing long-form videos?
As part of this change, we’ll be using the breaks set in Video Manager for existing uploads going forward. If you have not set ad breaks in Video Manager, we will use the ad break values you’ve set for your videos using XML uploads.

We hope these changes will help to grow your revenue from long-form videos. We’re continuously working to improve the monetization options available to partners and to ensure that our monetization products integrate seamlessly with your content. As always, you’re welcome to provide us with feedback using the ‘Give us feedback!’ link above, or by reaching out to your partner manager over email.
I'm not a fan of midroll ads unless the video is 30+ mins but I can see how this would improve income for YouTubers, most predominantly gamers.
I'm also not a fan of midroll ads. Will usually leave the video if i see a bunch of them. It's too much of a distraction.