Topic ideas?


Active Member
Hey guys :D
I do a web series Monday-Friday.
Monday/Whoday: I talk about a certain person in pop culture.
Tuesday/Whatday: I talk about an event, or something that's not a person.
Wednesday/Whenday: I do some creative history lessons.
Thursday/Whereday: I do some creative geography lessons.
Friday/Whyday: I rant aha.

But I was wondering if you guys had any ideas for topics I could cover throughout the week? I don't really have that many fans to tell me what they want to watch, so I've been winging it. But I'd really appreciate some ideas from you guys :)
What? No don't talk about these because no one cares. You should talk about interesting topics and make sure you have good game plays. Be entertaining and funny
I just jumped from 17 subscribers to 32 over night. I'm pretty sure I'm entertaining and funny to them. Did you even look at my channel before you criticized it lol
You should talk about why people love watching bunnies in cups (yes its an actual video)