Thumbnails, Avatar and Channel art rating?


Well-Known Member

Hey, would really appreciate some feedback. Just switched to the new YouTube layout and added a bunch of things.

Would really appreciate anybody's feedback...
Thumbnails - I draw every thumbnail in paint. They are purposely drawn badly and in very little time because I find it funny (Don't ask why...) Think of it like the Gooby meme (Despite the fact I actually hate those...) Ignore the black boxes in the corners... Fixing that soon.

Channel art - Let me know what you think of the Purple theme, the avatar picture and the Snitt logo? Also what you think of what I will probably use as a sort of "mini logo". The green logo that says Snitt will be my full logo, but the little diamond shape with the white in the middle will probably become a little "icon" that I use in as many places as possible.

Avatar - Ignore the white background. Will fix that soon too, just let me know what you think of it!

My aim is to create some "Standards" that will never change. I have an intro but haven't uploaded any videos with the introduction yet. I need continuity.

All feedback is hugely appreciated! This is my "Test" channel which I don't take seriously at all. After 365 videos or 1 year (Which ever comes first) I will begin my REAL channel. This is just to attempt to establish a small subscriber count/audience and to get to grips with YouTube in general.

REALLY appreciate anybody who takes the time to help me out with feedback!
looks neat if your doing the older style games! i would highly suggest a channel trailer.seeing that part 6 of some video was annoying when entering your channel as sound just came blasting out of nowhere and i thought i clicked half way through a video but it was the beginning so i would suggest you upload that channel trailer you mentioned[DOUBLEPOST=1366561946,1366561811][/DOUBLEPOST]couple other notes is if you really want to brake the trend i would make different thumbnails for each video! having a wall of the same icons is bland and over done and i find not eye catching make them each look a bit diffrent
Not a huge fan of the banner. Just to simple. Maybe add more text underneath your name about what games you play etc or something of that nature.
I really like your thumbnails!! Maybe you should try and match up your profile pic with your banner as the sharp change from purple to white is odd :)

EDIT: sorry i didnt read all of the post haha
the duplicate avatar / banner image isn't great. (god how I wish I could turn off avatar overlay on the banner). Perhaps do something like what I did and move character to other side?

white background behind avatar also looks bad when overlaid.
Good job, With the banner, if you made it in photoshop, do a clouds render on the Background to make it a tad more interesting, and maybe a vingette
I really appreciate everybody's feedback.
1) Yeah, at the moment my aim is to make 365 videos in by 1st jan 2014. That means a fair amount of content on top of my college etc. Making a thumbnail that is totally unique to each episode is just so time consuming. When I make my official channel, I won't be putting out anywhere near as much content (It's overwhelming) so I can make new thumbnails for each video.
2) Yeah I'm fixing the avatar thing soon. I hate the little overlay, I will probably just have the face for my avatar and add a background that isn't sharp white... YouTube is annoying sometimes...
My channel is mostly older games played from emulators etc. No serious games like Call of duty, so the design is simple, light and friendly
3) Yeah flammy, you might be right. Your banner looks awesome, I may take some inspiration from that.

I appreciate everybody's comments!
Wow... that is amazing! Everything looks perfect! Mine isn't that good. I use Microsoft Paint. I need photoshop. Oh well. Your channel looks amazing! Keep it up!
