The worst network ever


The Boy Who Was Named After An Animal
So I'm pretty sure quite a decent fraction of YTTalk members have/are partnered with a network, be it Fullscreen, RPM, or maybe even some are with ATV (egh...)

What network do you think is the best? It can be in terms of CPM, payout, service/support, or even their perks. What do you think is the worst network?
Definately AwesomenessTV being the worst network in my book. And I'd have to say Fullscreen is the best network. They have the Gorilla program (if thats what its called xD) which allow you higher payouts so thats pretty cool :D.
Definately AwesomenessTV being the worst network in my book. And I'd have to say Fullscreen is the best network. They have the Gorilla program (if thats what its called xD) which allow you higher payouts so thats pretty cool :D.

I would love to try out for Fullscreen.. but sadly I am still awaiting responses from 2 applications and 1 invitation. :p Fingers crossed!
Digital Minds ($150 payout threshold, will accept any channels)
ATV ($100 payout threshold, will accept any channels, virtually no support)
BuzzMyVideos ($300 payout threshold with poor support)
Iricom (except Iricom Poland) (300$, 3 monthly reacurring threshold (if threshold isn`t met in 3 months, balance is reset to zero and all that revenue goes to Iricom. Couldn`t care less about their partners)
QuizGroup (low pay, bad support, really long contracts)