The Wanted - Chasing The Sun


My review/vlog about a new song called 'Chasing The Sun'. Let me know what you guys think about the outside vlogging thing. It's my first time ever doing anything like this.

If you missed it, comment and like on my other newest video:

It looks so nice where live, the houses look huge and the area seems so nice. I dont have any tips for vlogging outside other than try not to be embarrassed but its natural to be like that, I know I would be far worse doing that outside. I had a feeling you would get like that when the guy on the bike went by lol I thought it was fine and turned out well overall.
--- merged: Apr 20, 2012 11:56 PM ---
Comments are off on the video by the way.
Thank you Michael. Where I live is pretty quiet, and there's not many kids around, otherwise I would feel silly talking to a camera and getting weird looks. Vlogging isn't as common as I thought :p I know it isn't much of a review, because it didn't start out like that but I'll be doing a second one when the music video comes out soon.